Hong Kong Palace Museum | The Making of Masterpieces: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Palace Museum (Chinese)


Hong Kong Palace Museum

West Kowloon Cultural District, 8 Museum Drive, Kowloon

Mon, Wed, Thu & Sun
10:00 am–06:00 pm
Fri, Sat & Public Holiday
10:00 am–08:00 pm | Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) & the first two days of the Lunar New Year
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Home Research Publication

The Making of Masterpieces: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Palace Museum (Chinese)

Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Featuring thirty iconic works dating from the Jin (226–) to Yuan (1271–1368) dynasties, The Making of Masterpieces: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Palace Museum explores the crown jewels of the Palace Museum’s collection of paintings and calligraphy.

Eight essays and thirty extended entries by leading scholars reveal the life histories of these remarkable artworks, exploring how they came to be “masterpieces” on their centuries-long journeys through different collections. The volume breaks new ground by transcribing in full the seals, inscriptions, and colophons on each work, and is a valuable reference point for readers interested in Chinese art history, material culture, and the social life of art.

Published by the Hong Kong Palace Museum and the Palace Museum
With essays by Lou Wei, Roderick Whitfield, Robert E. Harrist, Jr., Wang Yimin, Yu Wentao, David Ake Sensabaugh, Jiang Fangting, and Raphael Wong

The English-language version of The Making of Masterpieces is published by the Hong Kong Palace Museum.

978-7-5134-1479-1 (hardback)
978-7-5134-1480-7 (paperback)
Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House
Publishing date: 07-2022
Retail price:
HK$1,800 (hardback)
HK$488 (paperback)

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Hong Kong Palace Museum

Hong Kong Palace Museum

West Kowloon Cultural District, 8 Museum Drive, Kowloon

Mon, Wed, Thu & Sun
10:00 am–06:00 pm
Fri, Sat & Public Holiday
10:00 am–08:00 pm | Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) & the first two days of the Lunar New Year