Featuring striking full-colour images and new research, this publication celebrates some of the most important works of horse art from the Palace Museum and the Louvre Museum. Five essays and forty-five object entries, dating from the Han (206 BCE–220 CE) to Qing (1644–1911) dynasties, explore the horse in art in a way that is accessible to general readers, encouraging them to think through comparisons with works from both institutions.
Centred on the question of the human connection to the horse across time in China and beyond, the catalogue entries are divided into sections that examine the horse in mythology, religion, and military culture, providing a means for reflecting on fundamental issues of human creativity, ambition, and tradition. This is a beautifully designed and thought-provoking volume that will appeal to anyone with an interest in Chinese art and culture.
Published by the Hong Kong Palace Museum and the Palace Museum
With essays by Ingrid Yeung & Jiao Tianlong, Xing Lunan, Chou Weichiang, Yannick Lintz, and Sarah Kenderdine & Jeffrey Shaw
ISBN: 978-1-913875-36-7
Publisher (Printing and Distribution): GILES
Publish date: 08-2022
Retail Price: HK$420
West Kowloon Cultural District, 8 Museum Drive, Kowloon